

咨询委员会为A&移动商务执法培训学院(AMLETA) provides guidance and functions in a consultative capacity. Members provide their expertise and knowledge of current and future social and law enforcement trends to AMLETA leadership while serving as goodwill ambassadors to further the mission of the AMLETA. The Board does not oversee fiscal, staffing, or administrative policies or procedures. The day-to-day operation of the AMLETA is the responsibility of the academy director.

培训协调员 [当然的路易斯·拉夫金,

  • 一个主任&移动商务执法培训学院

首席管理员 [当然的蒂娜·利文斯顿,

  • 财务管理副总裁/首席财务官- A&移动商务

椅子 & 董事会成员凯丽·克鲁斯,

  • 德州亨特县治安法官


  • 财务管理副总裁- A&移动商务


  • 德州消防局商务局长


  • 三冠美国-硫磺泉,得克萨斯州

董事会成员: Dr. LaVelle亨德里克斯,

  • A教授&移动商务


  • 经理O'Reilly汽车配件-商务,得克萨斯州


  • Director of Administrative 服务 – City of 商务, Texas


  • 助理警务处处长- A&移动商务


  • 业主,True Seal Roofing - Sulphur Springs, Texas


  • 德克萨斯州商业第一浸信会牧师


  • 德克萨斯州硫磺泉的警察局长


  • 警察局长- A&移动商务

董事会成员: Dr. 伊冯Villanueva-Russell,

  • 创新学院院长 & 设计- A&移动商务


BPOC N-2402级

  • 2024年7月- 2025年4月
  • 应用程序窗口关闭

BPOC D-2403级

  • 2024年7月- 2024年12月
  • 应用程序窗口关闭

在职/ CE课程

  • (稍后通知)
  • (稍后通知)

Tcole Texas基础警官课程(bpoc)

注意: 执法部门雇佣学员

Department representative contacts the Academy 培训协调员 to reserve a spot in -the academy.

联系人:Louis Lufkin,主任 (电子邮件保护)

This class is primarily for those cadets who have been hired by and are sponsored by a law enforcement agency, and who meet the “Minimum Enrollment Requirements for training as a Texas Peace Officer,” which are established by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). All academy applicants must meet all minimum enrollment requirements; (规则§217.1).

全职 classes are offered two to three times each year (approximately 19-20 weeks), 取决于周边机构的需求.

  • 周一至周五上午8:00.m. – 5:00 p.m.,
  • 一般是每月一个星期六早上八点.m. – 5:00 p.m.

(执法部门雇佣学员 have priority for cadet spots in the full-time day academy; if cadet spots are available then independent applicants will be allowed into the academy).

The schedule for the next full-time day academy is as follows:


  • 在第一节课之前,学费为2750美元,全额到期
  • 在头等舱日之前- ATP 15.003到期资格声明
  • February 16, 2024 – Meningitis Shot Deadline (if applicable)
  • 2024年2月16日——头等舱日
  • 2024年5月27日-阵亡将士纪念日(校园关闭)
  • 2024年6月28日——期末考试
  • 2024年7月1日- TCOLE考试
  • 2024年7月2日——学院毕业

This class is primarily for independent (self-paying) cadets who are not hired by and sponsored by a law enforcement agency and who meet the“Minimum Enrollment Requirements for training as a Texas Peace Officer,” which are established by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). All academy applicants must meet all minimum enrollment requirements; (规则§217.1)

兼职 classes are typically offered once each year (approximately nine months).

  • 周一至周四下午6点.m. – 10:00 p.m.
  • 通常每隔一个周六,早上八点.m. – 5:00 p.m.

目前夜校的学费为2美元,750, 包括学费, 书籍和大多数材料. 学费可以分期支付. Failure to abide by the following installment schedule at any stage will result in a drop from enrollment with no refund.





The schedule for the next part-time evening academy is as follows:


  • 2024年6月(待定)-迎新日
  • 2024年6月(待定)-脑膜炎疫苗注射截止日期(如适用)
  • 2024年7月4日-独立日(校园关闭)
  • 2024年7月(待定)——头等舱日
  • 2024年8月(待定)-第二部分到期
  • 2024年9月2日-劳动节(校园关闭)
  • 2024年9月(待定)-第三部(最终)到期
  • 2024年11月27日至29日-感恩节假期(校园关闭)
  • December 24, 2024 – January 2, 2025 – Christmas/New Year (Campus 关闭d)
  • 2025年1月(待定)-马丁·路德·金日(校园关闭)
  • 2025年3月(待定)-春假(校园关闭)
  • 2025年4月(待定)-期末考试
  • 2025年4月(待定)——学院毕业
  • 2025年4月(待定)- TCOLE考试



Department representative contacts the Academy 培训协调员 to reserve a spot in – the academy.

联系人:Louis Lufkin,主任 (电子邮件保护)

(执法部门雇佣学员 have priority for cadet spots in the full-time day academy; if cadet spots are available then independent applicants will be allowed into the academy).


The following application steps are for part-time evening academy cadets or any independent cadets who attend the full-time day academy.

Complete the Basic Peace Officer Course 合格的调查问卷

The 合格的调查问卷 pre-screens BPOC applicants according to the requirements specified by TCOLE Rule 217.1 in the areas of citizenship, education, age and criminal history.


  • 成功完成资格问卷后, you will be prompted to set up an initial screening interview with the academy director and command staff. 这次面试将是面对面的. Virtual interviews are scheduled on a case-by-case basis for active-duty members of the Armed Forces ONLY.
  • Interviews are conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays as needed.
  • Interviewees are scored according to a common rubric used by the interviewing academy command staff. Select the following link for a sample of the rubric that is used.

The initial screening interview allows the academy command staff to observe and/or discuss the following with each potential academy cadet: personal qualities, 沟通技巧, 教育和职业现状.


  • Qualities of a potential academy cadet include but are not limited to unblemished character, 高质量的职业道德, 优秀的沟通能力, 专业技术, 独立思考和评估形势的能力, 一流的解决问题的能力, 出色的人际交往能力, 分析和客户服务能力, 常识.


  • Communications skills include but are not limited to speaking and writing abilities, 社交能力, 客户服务技能, and the ability to establish a rapport with varied populations.


  • Formal education includes but is not limited to critical thinking skills, 成熟, 以及做出长期承诺的能力.


  • Profession realities include but are not limited to the ability to work collaboratively on a team, 表现出同情心和同理心, 做出合乎道德的决定, 展览的完整性, 独立思考, 很快, 在盒子之外.

Complete the BPOC application packet as given and instructed by the academy director, 在初步筛选面试结束后. The screening interview will include detailed instructions for obtaining fingerprint returns, 心理检查和体格检查.

完成指纹返回后, 心理检查和体格检查:

  • 1500美元的首付款[或]2750美元的全额学费
  • 信用卡付款是在 警察学院学费.

When instructed to do so by the academy director, bring the following original documentS到学院:

  • Completed (SIGNED/NOTORIZED) applicant's Personal History Statement (PHS)
  • 官方出生证明
  • 官方社会保障卡
  • 德州驾照
  • 高中毕业或GED证书
  • 机动车责任保险证明
  • Official college transcripts, or ACT/SAT, or college placement test for reading
  • 如果适用,DD-214军事退役

Attend the Orientation Day as instructed by the academy director 在最开头&移动商务执法培训学院(AMLETA).



2210 Highway 24; 商务, Texas 75429


If I already have a TCOLE PID#, do I still need to complete the C-1 PID Assignment Form?

是的! Another purpose of the C-1 form is to acknowledge the applicant’s receipt of the TCOLE Rules 217.1

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No



  • 体检/药物筛选约(125美元)
  • 指纹检查约($39)
  • 驾驶执照状态记录约($5)
  • 心理检查约250美元
  • 统一着装(每个学生不同)
  • 教室用品(因学生而异
你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No


  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011