

贷款 made by 的 Federal Government usually offer borrowers lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options. If students want to pursue loan(s) offered through 的 Department of 教育, 的y must be enrolled in at least six credit hours that count towards a degree program, 完整的入学辅导, 并就适当的贷款类型签署主本票(MPN) studentaid.政府 对于这种类型的资金支付到他们的学生帐户.

请注意: If an individual completes entrance counseling and an MPN on a student’s behalf or if a student completes 的 wrong entrance counseling or MPN, 贷款处理可能会延迟. 另外, parents of dependent students can apply for a 家长 Plus loan to assist 的ir students with educational expenses.

下载 联邦学生贷款对照表 看看联邦贷款有何不同.

Federal Direct 贷款 are available to undergraduate and graduate students and parents of dependent undergraduate students.


直接PLUS贷款(Grad PLUS)

直接加成贷款 (Grad PLUS) can be used to assist with educational expenses for graduate or professional students enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school in a program leading to a graduate or professional degree or certificate (program must require financial aid eligibility).

有兴趣的借款人将开始申请, 批准, 会完成额外的要求吗, 的 直接加贷款MPN (主本票)

Updates to your award package will occur in myLEO once an application has been received and processed.

Loan funds are disbursed to 的 student’s account and applied to pay outstanding charges as needed. 请直接向财政援助和奖学金办公室咨询 (电子邮件保护).




A private student loan is a nonfederal loan issued by a lender, such as a bank or credit union. 私人贷款必须连本带利偿还. Private loan applications are completed with 的 lender and usually require a credit check. It is recommended that students and parents exhaust all federal student loan options before considering a private loan.

A&移动商务没有与任何私人贷款机构签订合同协议. As such, 的re are no preferred private lender lists, contracts or endorsements of private loans.

  • 利率, origination and repayment fees for this type of loan program are based on 的 creditworthiness of 的 borrower and/or co-borrower.
  • 你可以借到A的学费&移动商务, 包括学费, 强制性的费用, 食宿, 书籍及用品, 甚至是交通运输, 收到的其他援助减少.
  • 本科s will generally need to apply with a credit-worthy co-borrower. 研究生 students may obtain better rates by applying with a credit-worthy co-borrower.
  • 利率 will vary on a monthly or quarterly basis and may not have a maximum rate. 降低借贷成本, 考虑支付在校利息或利息加本金.
  • 还款一般在全额支付后立即开始. Some lenders may defer (postpone) repayment during periods of at least half-time enrollment and economic hardship. 但是,利息将从贷款发放之日起产生. 还款和延期的规则因贷方而异. 向你的贷款人咨询更多信息.



不需要使用ELM Select上列出的贷方. A&移动商务 will process loans from any eligible lender 的 student chooses. A&移动商务 may not deny or o的rwise impede 的 borrower’s choice of a lender or cause unnecessary delay in loan certification for borrowers who choose a lender not listed on ELM Select.


  • 利率是多少? 它是固定的还是可变的?
  • 什么费用必须支付,什么时候到期?
  • 还款条件是什么? 有宽限期吗? 有延期或延期的选择吗?
  • 我的月供是多少?
  • 我需要被学位或证书课程录取吗?
  • 我需要注册至少一半的时间吗?
  • If 的re a Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement do I meet 的 requirement?
  • 贷款是否适用于过去的入学期?  If so, within what timeframe must students apply if 的y are still enrolled at A&移动商务? Within what timeframe must students apply if 的y have withdrawn or graduated from A&移动商务?

The Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 is happy to assist with your private education loan processes. Please be aware that school certifications of private education loans are not automatically completed by our office. 认证要求必须由学生本人提出. 申请不能在多个奖励年度内完成. We want to make sure you are aware of 的 various federal and state financial aid programs before pursuing a private education loan.

You should contact our office when 的re is an approved private education loan that is pending school certification or if you have questions regarding a private education/alternative loan. 请将您的询价或通知发送至 (电子邮件保护). 有几点需要记住:

  • 如果你还没有申请联邦和州财政援助, 我们鼓励你完成FAFSA/TASFA.
  • 一旦FAFSA/TASFA被A收到&移动商务 and all necessary requirements are met, you may be awarded financial aid. We advise you to delay 的 application of a private education loan until you review your financial aid package.


Upon certification and prior to disbursement of any private education loan, 您将收到一封电子邮件,通知您认证已完成. 该电子邮件包含到自我认证表单的皇冠体育365. This form is a requirement and, once completed, must be sent to your lender.

  1. 的说明 自我认证形式,.
    为了完成表格的第2部分,你需要访问你的A&移动商务 cost of attendance and your estimated financial aid by following 的se instructions:
  2. 登录你的myLEO账户. 选择“学生资源”选项卡. 选择“你的经济援助”.从右上方的菜单中选择正确的奖励/援助年度. Select 的 “Award Offer” tab and scroll down to 的 third section with 的 header “成本 of Attendance.”
  3. Enter 的 total at 的 end of your “成本 of Attendance” (COA) breakdown on Section 2, Item A of 的 form (Example: a fall-only private loan would require you to provide 的 sum of 的 amounts for that term in each category).
  4. 在“出勤费用”部分下面, add up 的 financial aid awards (“奖助金 and 奖学金 to Pay for College”, “工作”, “贷款”, and “O的r Resources”) you have received for 的 term of application and enter 的 total amount as your estimated financial assistance on Section 2, Item B of 的 form (Example: a fall-only private loan would require you to provide 的 fall-only term total amount). If you have applied for financial aid but have yet to receive awards, report $0. 请皇冠体育365 (电子邮件保护).
  5. 用表格上的公式完成第二部分C项.
  6. 完成第3条和第4条并提交给贷款人. 不将此表格提交给财政援助和奖学金部门.
  7. 如果您有任何问题,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).