
The College of 农业科学与自然资源 (CASNR) at 皇冠体育365赌博&M大学商学院与德克萨斯大学合作&农业生物研究硕士 to hire a faculty member to teach and conduct research in the field of agronomy.

Dr. Grace Flusche Ogden was hired as an assistant professor of agronomy and began her appointment on August 1. 她的关节位置在A&移动商务–where she will teach classes each semester and participate in CASNR research initiatives–and AgriLife 研究, where she will collaborate with AgriLife researchers across the state to conduct field and greenhouse trials, study trends and collect data for farmers across rural northeast Texas.


根据美国农学学会的说法, 农艺学从综合的角度看待农业, 整体的角度. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. 农学家研究的一些课题包括:

  • 土壤性质
  • 土壤是如何与生长中的作物相互作用的
  • 作物需要哪种营养(肥料)
  • 农作物是如何生长发育的
  • How climate and other environmental factors affect crops at all stages

Agronomy combines many scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry and genetics. 气象学研究, climatology and soil science in the context of how it affects plant growth can also inform the field of agronomy.


Dr. 奥格登来到A&来自俄克拉荷马州马斯科吉的移动商务. She earned her bachelor's and doctoral degrees from Oklahoma State University and her master's from Texas Tech University. 她的博士研究方向是植物和土壤科学. 联合教授职位 is her first university appointment after completing her studies.

Ogden said she originally didn't plan to work in the field of agronomy.

“当我开始在俄勒冈州立大学读本科时, I was majoring in Biochemistry with a Pre-Veterinary option,奥格登说. “But after conducting an undergrad research project in veterinary medicine, 我想走一条不同的路. 我知道我想从事农业工作, so I combined my love of plants and gardening to study plant and soil sciences instead.”

Ogden's background is in weed science and soil science. She has experience in corn, cotton, sorghum, soybean and wheat. Her graduate research focused on weed control through the use of tillage and herbicides, 特别强调土壤健康. She remarked that as she forms her research program in her new role, her goal is to combine her experiences in weed and soil science to conduct research that addresses the challenges local farmers face and lead to not only increases in production efficiency, 但是生产高质量的作物.

“The farmers in this area have a long tradition of excellent crop production and are passionate about growing crops here,奥格登说. “I am ready to get a sense of the data these growers need.”

In addition to her research, she says she is excited to begin teaching 在一个&移动商务 and sharing what she learns with AgriLife in the classroom.

“I am very excited to meet and work with our students,奥格登说. “One thing that has struck me in the limited time I have had meeting students and others on campus is their passion for this university.”


Dr. CASNR院长兰迪·哈普(Randy Harp)赞扬了哈普博士. Ogden and is eager to watch the partnership between A&移动商务和农业生物研究增长.

“This is the first joint professorship we have had with AgriLife 研究 since 2016,” Harp said. “We look forward to working together to build a research team that can secure grant funding for impactful research for our area.”

他接着说:“近几十年来, there has been shifts in research focus on the important fields of urban and sustainable agriculture, but this has left some gaps in data for our rural farmers. We hope this partnership can help bridge the gaps between urban and rural agriculture and provide up-to-date data to rural producers.”

Dr. G. 克里夫·兰姆,A&农业生物研究硕士, stated that the hire shows how committed the agency is to its mission.

“This joint hire represents our agency's continuing commitment to strengthening Texas commodities while developing the next generation of research leaders,兰姆说.

Dr. David Baltensperger, professor and head of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at 皇冠体育365赌博&M University, touted the hiring as an effective way to use research to engage with students.

我们希望利用德州体育协会的优势&M University-商务 and Texas&农业生物研究硕士, shared faculty positions allow us to engage students with cutting edge research that is directed toward the success of Northeast Texas producers,巴尔滕斯佩格说. “This position's focus on weed science will address one of the biggest challenges facing regional producers.

了解更多关于 皇冠体育365赌博&农业生物研究硕士College of 农业科学与自然资源 在一个&移动商务.